Home<Wild Rice Children's Home <1910 Home Census

1910 Federal CENSUS
of the Wild Rice Children's Home in
Flom Township, Norman County, MN

Clarence Largis, age 14 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Helmer Hanson age 15 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Knut Gronstad age 17 born in Norway to Norwegian parents.
Willie Lystad age 15 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Edwin Lystad age 13 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Evandelene Pederson age 15 born in Denmark to Denmark parents.
Emalia Johnson age 15, born in Minnesota to Father from Wisconsin and mother from Norway.
Torgers Johnson age 11 born in Minnesota to father from Wisconsin and mother from Norway.
Lovise Larson age 13 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Arthur Larson age 11 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Henry Williams age 15 born in North Dakota to father from Minnesota and mother from Norway.
Roy Williams age 12 born in North Dakota to father from Minnesota and mother from Norway.
Gehard Hagen age 16 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Anner Olson age 14 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Julius Olson age 10 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Frans Parson age 14 born in Minnesota to Swedish father and Finnish mother.
John Parson age 9 born in Minnesota to Swedish father and Finnish mother.
Clara Gerdahl age 14 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Elmer Thorstensen age 10 born in Minnesota to Minnesota father and Finnish mother.
James Thorstensen age 8 born in Minnesota to Minnesota father and Finnish mother.
Malla Kittelson age 16 born in North Dakota to Wisconsin father and mother from Norway.
Howard Kittelson age 15 born in North Dakota to Wisconsin father and mother from Norway.
Blanche Kittelson age 12 born in North Dakota to Wisconsin father and mother from Norway.
Earl Hagen age 13 born in Minnesota to Wisconsin father and Minnesota mother.
Elma Hagen age 10 born in Minnesota to Wisconsin father and Minnesota mother.
Mary Knutson afe 19 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Iowa mother.
Lena Knutson age 18 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Iowa mother.
John Knutson age 11 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Iowa mother.
Frank Knutson age 9 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Iowa mother.
Oscar Knutson age 6 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Iowa mother.
Elmer Falk age 13 born in Minnesota to Minnesota father and mother unknown.
Andrew Pederson age 13 born in North Dakota to Swedish parents.
Ragna Mosied age 13 born in Iowa to Norwegian parents.
Willie Mickelson age 14 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Swedish mother.
John Mickelson age 10 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Swedish mother.
Clarence Mickelson age 6 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Swedish mother.
Eda Tonnesen age 13 born in Minnesota to Minnesota parents.
Mable Tonnesen age 10 born in Minnesota to Minnesota parents.
Regina Tonnesen age 6 born in Minnesota to Minnesota parents.
Albert Aserud age 12 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents
Joseph Aserud age 9 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Helmer Aserud age 7 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Bennie Ruud age 12 born in the USA to Norwegian father and Wisconsin mother.
Martin Ruud age 10 born in the USA to Norwegian father and Wisconsin mother.
Harry Ruud age 9 born in the USA to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Henry Reitan age 12 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Enga Reitan age 10 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Stella Reitan age 8 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Karolina Reitan age 4 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Lettie Heiberg age 10 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Elsie Heiberg age 8 born in Canada to Norwegian parents.
Henry Heiberg age 6 born in Canada to Norwegian parents.
John Heiberg age 2 born in Canada to Norwegian parents.
Clarence Knutson age 11 born in Minnesota to Norwegian parents.
Florence Nelson age 9 born in Minnesota to Swedish father and Norwegian mother.
Robert Lee age 1 and 4 months born in USA parents unknown.
Mable Holm age 9 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Lewis Holm age 6 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Allice Holm age 4 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother unknown.
Oscar Hendrickson age 10 born in Minnesota to Swedish parents.
Octavia Hendrickson age 7 born in Minnesota to Swedish parents.
Lester Anderson age 13 born in Wisconsin to Norwegian parents.
Ernest Anderson age 7 born in Wisconsin to Norwegian parents.
Hasel Jackobson age 9 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother ??
Francis Jackobson age 8 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and mother ??
Lester Tollerud age 13 born in Minnesota to unknown father and Minnesota mother.
Ruth Knutson age 13 born in Minnesota to Norwegian father and Iowa mother.
Edwin Ruud age 7 born in USA to Norwegian father and unknown mother.

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the dedication and assistance of the
Norman County Historical and Genealogy Society.
Last modified February 5, 2016

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