Home<Towns<FlomFlom, Norman County, MinnesotaClick here to go to history of Flom, Minnesota. This extensive history has been compiled, with thanks, by Margit Bakke.Article from the History of Clay and Norman Counties, Minnesota, by John Tuner and C.K. Semling, Vol. 11, pgs. 762-763, printed 1918 by B.F. Bowen & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana. This information was provided by Kris Ruud Sullivan, great grandson of Eric H. Flom.Elling H. FlomElling H. Flom, one of the real pioneers of Norman county and a substantial retired farmer of Flom Township, proprietor of a fine farm of two hundred and fifty acres in section 21 of that township, where he has made his home since the early eighties, is a native of the state of Iowa, but has been a resident of the Red River country since he was sixteen years of age. He was born on a pioneer farm in Winneshiek County, Iowa, September 15, 1858, son of Hans Flom, who came to Minnesota with his family in 1874 and settled in what later came to be organized as Flom township, Norman County, that township being named in his honor when the petition for its organization was granted by the county commissioners. As noted above, Elling H. Flom was sixteen years of age when he came up here into the Red River Valley with his father in 1874. He had received his schooling in Iowa and upon coming here became a valued aid to his father in the labors of improving and developing the home place. In 1882 he proved up a pre-emption claim to a quarter claim to a quarter of a section of land in section 12 of Flom township and eight or nine months later sold the same and bought his present farm of two hundred and fifty acres in section 21 of the same township. When he took possession of that place forty-five acres of it had been "broken" and the task of bringing under cultivation the remainder of the tract thus fell upon his shoulders, a no inconsiderable task, by the way. Though there was some natural timber on the place, Mr. Flom did considerable tree planting as a wind-break measure, and the groves he planted are now attractive features of the landscape thereabout. He erected new building on the place and has added to the same from time to time until now he has one of the best-kept plants in that part of the county. For some time past Mr. Flom has been living practically retired from the active labor of the farm, his son Edwin assuming the responsibilities of running the place. Ever since the organization of his home township Mr. Flom has been a member of the board of township supervisors and is now treasurer of the same. For many years he has also been a member of the school board, for eighteen years a director, and is now also treasurer of that board. he is a stockholder in the Flom Bank and in other ways has given his active attention to the general business affairs of the community, in the development of which he has been a prominent participant since the very beginning of settlement there. On December 19, 1882, Elling H. Flom was united in marriage to Oleanna Olson, who was born in the kingdom of Norway in 1863 and who had come to this county with her parents when she was eighteen years of age, and to this union nine children have been born, namely: Hans M., who is now a landowner in North Dakota; Marie Alma, who also owns land in North Dakota; Gunda Catherine, also a North Dakota landowner; Anthony, a landowner in Montana; Edwin who is renting and farming the old home place in Flom Township; Olga Berthina, member of Norman County's public-school teaching force, and Berton, Mildred and Kenneth, at home. The Floms have a very pleasant home and have ever given their interested attention to the community's general social affairs. They are members of the Wild Rice Church and Mr. Flom was formerly and for years a member of the board of trustees of that congregation. Article from the History of Clay and Norman Counties Minnesota-Their People Industries and Institutions by John Turner and C.K. Semling, Vol. 11, 1918, published by B.F. Bowen & Company of Indianapolis, Indiana, pages 860-861. This information was provided by Kris Ruud Sullivan, great grandson of Eric H. Flom.Eric H. FlomOne of the progressive and enterprising farmer of Norman County is Eric H. Flom, the owner of a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Flom township, where he carries on general farming and dairying and who was one of the organizers of Norman County, was born in this county, June 4, 1860, a son of Hans and Margarita (Regsland) Flom both natives of Norway, from which they came to America after their marriage. Soon after they arrived on American soil, the father and mother came on out to Minnesota, and took a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres in section 14, Flom township, about a mile and a half from the farm on which the subject of this sketch now lives. Both spent their lives of the home farm, which was sold after their deaths occurred. They were the parents of four children, namely: Martha, now residing in Dakota; Elling, living in section 20, Flom township; Eric H., the subject of this sketch; and Seamen, deceased. Eric H. Flom received his early education in the schools of Norman County, although the educational advantages of his school days were nothing to compare with those that the children of the present enjoy, because the country was then new. Living under pioneer conditions on his father's farm, here he gained the hardihood, thrift and industry which were invaluable when he started to himself a short distance from the home place. For the first twelve years of his farming operations, he used oxen, and now he uses horses and draught animals. He has now one hundred and sixty acres of excellent land, all well improved with a good farm plant and under a high state of cultivation. The plant consists of excellent buildings, including a large barn and silo, which are absolutely indispensable to the progressive and enterprising farmer. His comfortable farm house is beautifully situated in a fine grove. here on his farm he carries on mixed farming and has some stock. Mr. Flom was untied in marriage to Anna Nelson, who was born in Norway, and this marriage has resulted in the birth of the following children: Harry (Kris' personal note-should be Hattie), Nora, Henry, Clarence and Ella. Mr. and Mrs. Flom are consistent and conscientious members of the Norwegian Lutheran Church. The former helping to erect the church edifice which has since burned down. He has a share in the creamery at Flom, which enterprise is of great importance to him in the marketing of his dairy products. Mr. Flom has always taken a deep interest in the social, civic, and moral progress of the community in which he has always lived. He helped to organize Norman County, and whenever any movement is stated locally for the community's betterment, it is assured of Mr. Flom's unstinted support and loyal-cooperation.
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