Knute Anderson
Pvt., Co B, 4th Reg. Minnesota Infantry
May 31, 1864 - July 19, 1865
Jacob Andrist
Pvt. Co. I, 178th Ohio Infantry
August 1854 - August 1865
John B. Ashelman
Sgt. Independent Battery A, Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
March 14, 1864 - June 29, 1865
Knud Ammundson
Pvt., Co D, 3rd Minnesota Infantry
June 17, 1864-July 15, 1865
Asa H. Baker
Cpl. Co. B, 6th Reg. Michigan Cavalry Volunteers
March 14, 1861 - June 29, 1865
Cyrelle Baucher
Sgt., Co. G, 4th Reg. Wisconsin Cavalry
July 1, 1861 - July 8, 1865
Soren Bergerson
Pvt., Co. D, 6th Reg. Iowa Cavalry
Nov. 12, 1862 - Nov. 12, 1865
John G. Betcher
Pvt., Co. G, 7th Reg. Minnesota Infantry
Feb. 21, 1861 - Aug. 1, 1865
Eratus Bills
Sgt., Co. K, 5th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
Sep. 5, 1864 - June 20, 1865
Thaddeus Bradley
Pvt., Co. B, 22 Reg., New York Volunteer Infantry
March 22, 1862 - Apr. 23, 1865
Web site on
Thaddeus W. Bradley (1837-1914) who lived
in Minnesota from 1865/8 to
Rudolph Brawand
Pvt., Co. G, 7th Regiment Minnesota Infantry
Aug. 2, 1862 - Aug. 2, 1865
Christian Brurud
Cpl., Co. A, 1st Battalion Dakota Cavalry
Feb. 13, 1863 - May 9, 1865
John F. Burkhardt
Cpl. Co. C, 2nd Regiment, Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
June 29, 1861 - June 28, 1864
David Cable
Pvt., Co. D, 18th New York Infantry
Sep. 20, 1861 - Aug. 21, 1865
James V. Campbell
Sgt. Major, 10th Regiment, Illinois Cavalry
Dec. 2, 1861 - Nov. 22, 1862
William W. Campbell
1st Sgt., Co. E, 18th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry
Dec. 1861 - Aug. 1865
David Casselman
Pvt., Co. E, 10th Illinois Cavalry
1863 - 1865
B.M. Chesley
Pvt., Co. H, 3rd New York Cavalry
August 12, 1862 - November 29, 1865
William L. Coe
Pvt., co. A, 1st Independent Battery, Wisconsin Light Artillery
Sep. 3, 1861 -
Nov. 20, 1864
John Coleman
Phoebe Coleman living in the Village of Ada in June of 1890, is listed as the
widow of John Coleman, a veteran of the Civil War.
No rank, company, Regiment or
length of service provided.
Henry Downs
Mustered into the G.A.R Post 62 on Dec. 1886,
Birth place NY, Occupation farmer,
Rank Private
Christian Ellingson
Pvt. Co. H, 12 Illinois Cavalry
Aug. 12, 1864 - June 12, 1865
Daniel Erickson
Pvt., Co. D, 53 Wisconsin Infantry
Mar. 17, 1865 - Aug. 24, 1865
W. R. Evans
Mustered into G.A.R. Post 62 on Sep. 1887
Birthplace, Michigan; Occupation, Hotelkeeper; Rank, Private.
Lars B. Foss
Pvt., 2nd Minnesota Independent Battery, Light Artillery
Sep. 23, 1864 - Aug. 16, 1865
Christen Gilbertson
aka. Christian Gilbranson
Pvt., Co. H, 5th Wisconsin Infantry (Reorganized)
Sep. 1864 - Jun, 20, 1865
Hans Larson
aka: Hans L. Gordon
Pvt., Clo. D, 52nd Wisconsin Infantry
Mar. 24, 1864 - July 28, 1865
Ole Halvorson
Pvt., Co. H, 15th Wisconsin Infantry
Nov. 18, 1861 - Apr. 18, 1865
Engel Hausker
aka: Angel Hausker
Pvt., Co. E, 7th Minnesota Infantry
Aug. 15, 1862 - Aug. 16, 1865
Andrew Hawkins
Pvt., 16th U.S. Infantry, Transferred to 2nd U.S. Infantry
Nov, 14, 1867 - Nov. 14, 1870
There was a line crossed through this entry. Possibly because his
occurred after the end of the Civil War.
Halvor Helgeson
Pvt., Co. E, 7th, Minnesota Infantry
Aug. 30, 1864 - Aug 16, 1865
James Hogen
aka: James Herding
Pvt., Co. I, 17th Wisconsin Infantry regiment
1861 - ?
Gilbert Hogenson
Private (Ferrier) Co. D, 6th Iowa Cavalry
Oct. 17, 1862 - Oct. 17, 1865
Alexander Holden
Cpl., Co. B, 142nd NY Infantry
Aug. 13, 1862 - June 7, 1865
Frank Hopkins
Pvt., Co. M, 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
Feb 6, 1865 - July 6, 1865
Ole Hougan
Pvt., Co. B, 19th Wisconsin Infantry
Jan. 23, 1862 - May 17, 1865
Lars J. Hovland
Pvt., Co. K, 1st Regiment Minnesota Artillery
Feb. 17, 1865 - Sept. 20, 1865
Henry Hunting
Sgt., Co. A, 2nd Regiment Wisconsin Infantry
Jun. 11, 1861 - Jun. 30, 1864
Lewis Jacobson
Pvt., Co. B, 1st Wisconsin Cavalry
Aug. 31 - 1864 - Discharged Jul. 19, 1865
Knut Johnson
Pvt., Co. D, 4th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
Aug. 27, 1864 Jun. 12, 1865
Hans Juelson
Pvt., Co. C, 10th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
Aug. 15, 1862 - Aug. 12, 1865
William Ketchum
Co. B, 17th U.S. Infantry
Andrew Knudson
Pvt., Co. F, 4th Regiment Minnesota Infantry
Sep. 1, 1863 - June 12, 1864
Florentine LaBrun
Pvt., Co. K, 43rd Wisconsin Infantry
Sep. 5, 1864 - Jun. 13, 1865
Bottol Larson
Pvt. Co. D, 10th Minnesota Infantry
Aug. 12, 1862 - Aug. 19, 1865
Even Larson
Pvt., Co. G, 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
Jan. 14, 1862 - Dec. 29, 1865
Lars B. Larson
Pvt., Co. E, 7th Minnesota Infantry
Aug. 30, 1864 - Aug. 16, 1865
Severt Larson
Pvt., Co. B, 2nd Minnesota Infantry
Dec. 1, 1864 - Jul. 11, 1865
John Lindell
Pvt., Co. B, 1st Regiment Cavalry, Minnesota
"Mounted Rangers"
Oct 15, 1862 -
Mar. 28, 1863
Frederick Luchau
Pvt., Co. L, 3rd Regiment Minnesota Infantry
Mar. 18, 1864 - Sep. 1865
Marlen Malm
13th Wisconsin Infantry
Ira Mason
1st Sgt., 3rd Regiment, Missouri Sate Militia Cavalry
(2nd Organization)
Christian Matti
Cpl., Co. C, 2nd Minnesota Infantry
Peter McHugh
Mustered into G.A.R. Post 62 in March, 1892;
Birthplace, Massachusetts; Agent,
Fayette Moffat
Pvt., Co. I, 10th Regiment N.Y. Heavy Artillery
Dec 2, 1863 - May 15, 1865
Timothy Moriarty
Mustered into G.A.R. Post 62 in May, 1892;
Birthplace, Ireland; laborer, Pvt.
Horace Morse
Pvt., Co. A, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery
Jun.16, 1862 - Jun. 6, 1865
George Nei
Pvt., Co. J, 5th Iowa Infantry
Jun. 25, 1861 - July 6, 1865
Nels Nelson
Pvt., Co. K, 32nd Iowa Infantry
Aug. 16, 1862 - Sep. 1865
Ole Norman
Pvt. Co. B, 1t Regiment Minnesota Cavalry,
"Mounted Rangers"
1862 - 1865
Helge Olson
Pvt., Co. K, 15th Wisconsin Infantry
Dec. 29, 1861 - Sep. 9, 1862
Ole H. Olson
Pvt., Co. F, 15th Wisconsin Infantry
Feb. 4, 1863 - Nov. 24, 1865
Ole Olson
Sgt., Co. K, 46 Illinois Infantry
Oct. 20, 1861 - Jan. 20, 1866
Peter Ostrum
Pvt., Co. E, 3rd Regiment Artillery
Oct. 30, 1867 - Oct. 30, 1870
David Paterson
Pvt. Co. K, 17th Vermont Infantry
Aug. 1, 1864 - Jul. 1865
Robert Percival
Pvt., Co. G, 7th Minnesota Infantry
John Pfund
Pvt., co. F, 12th Illinois Infantry
Jul. 13, 1861 - July 10, 1865
Washington Platt
Pvt., Co. D, 179th New York Infantry
George Putnam
Pvt., Co. G, 5th Wisconsin Infantry
1863 - died Nov. 26, 1864
Martin Rude
Steward, War Room, S. Atlantic Fleet
Feb. 1870 - Feb. 1871
Elias Salverson
Pvt., Co. G, 38th Wisconsin Infantry
Feb. 14, 1865 - Dec. 31, 1865
Anthony Scheie
Sgt., Co. K, Illinois Infantry
Oct. 4, 1861 - Jun. 20, 1866
Carl Schlenz
Cpl., Co. E, 1st Minnesota Infantry
Mar. 1862 - 1864
John Spreiter
Pvt., Co. F, 9th Wisconsin Infantry
Sep. 7, 1861 - Dec. 3, 1864
Albert Stevens
Pvt. Co. B, 1st Regiment Minnesota Heavy Artillery
Oct. 1864 - Oct. 1, 1865
Andrew Storkson
Pvt., Co. G. 27th Wisconsin Infantry
Aug. 18, 1862 - Aug. 29, 1865
Ole Thompson
Cpl., Co. K, 15th Wisconsin Infantry
Jan17, 1862 - Feb. 10, 1865
Garrett Thorpe
Pvt. Co I, 2nd Iowa Cavalry
Aug. 17, 1861 - Dec. 3, 1864
Torkel Torgerson
Pvt., Co. F, 15th Regiment Wisconsin Infantry
Oct. 1, 1861 - Oct. 1, 1865
Henry W. Trowbridge
Pvt. Co. C, New York Heavy Artillery
Dec. 1863 - Oct. 1865
Ole Wangberg
Pvt., Co. B, 12th Iowa Infantry
Nov. 23, 1861 - Jun. 20 1866
Amos B. Watson
Pvt. Co. B, 7th Minnesota Infantry
July 1861 - May 1864
Lewis Weatherhead
Pvt., Co. I, K, L, 2nd U.S. Infantry
Mar. 30, 1860, Mar 30, 1865
Ira Wheelock
Landsman, USS Ozark
Aug 21, 1864 - Jun. 14, 1865
Benjamin White
Pvt. Co. I, 21st Iowa Infantry
Feb., 1863 - Aug., 1865
Aaschel Wilmot
Pvt. Co. D, 5th Wisconsin Infantry
Fred Witmore
Mustered into G.A.R. Post 62 in Feb. 1891;
Birthplace, NY; Veterinarian; Sgt.
Jown Wright
Pvt., Co. C, 91st Pennsylvania Infantry
Sep. 23, 1861 - Feb 5, 1863
Fredolin Zwicke
Pvt., Co. K, 48th Wisconsin Infantry
Mar. 13, 1865 - Mar 24, 1866 |