Norman County Minnesota Genealogy

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Norman Genealogy

Norman County was organized on February 17, 1881, from a part of Polk County, which in turn had been a part of Pembina County. The name was chosen because of the great number of Norwegian immigrants who settled in the county. After the French trappers, many of the earliest settlers came from Fillmore County Minnesota around 1871.

Norman County is located in the Red River Valley of Minnesota, one of the great farming regions of the world.  The county is made up of twenty-four townships. Check out the map of the county as it looked in 1895.Norman County Court House The county seat is located in Ada, which is situated near the center of the county. Other towns and communities presently in Norman County include: Hendrum, Halstad, Twin Valley, Gary, Borup, Perley, Flom and Shelly. The county borders North Dakota on the west and is surrounded to the north by Polk county, to the east by Mahnomen county, and to the south by Clay county.

The goal of this website is to be of assistance to those people seeking information regarding people who lived in Norman County. This goal can only be accomplished with the help of fellow genealogists who share information that will be helpful to others as they search for their Norman roots.

 Please contact the County Coordinator if you have information to share.



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This site is maintained by Colleen Goltz with 
the dedication and assistance of the
Norman County Historical and Genealogy Society.
For any questions regarding this site please contact:

MNGenWeb State Coordinators: 
Shirley Cullum and Timothy Stowell
Assistant State Coordinator:
Karen De Groote

Copyright © MNGenWeb 2018
MNGen Web Norman County: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial
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